is for determined individuals who want to build confidence, overcome self-doubt, and gain clarity to achieve lasting freedom from chronic skin picking through a holistic, science-backed, and community-driven approach.

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to Prevent a Picking Session!

What is chronic skin picking?

Body Focused Repetitive Behaviour


Behavioural addiction

Can also include...

Hair Pulling

Nail Biting

Cheek Biting

Does this sound like you?

You struggle with the compulsion to pick, pull, or chew at specific parts of your body with the intention of generating a feeling of well-being. You can't seem to stop, have feelings of stress and shame, experience relapse, and unintentional bodily harm. At times, it has a crippling impact on your social, professional, and private life as well as your physical and mental health.

Where does it come from?

Suppressed emotion and

unprocessed trauma

What does this mean?

You can heal.

My name is Raffaela. I have struggled with chronic skin picking (a form of BFRB) since the age of 12. In 2019, 11 years later, exhausted and exasperated with my inability to "just stop" I ventured down the rabbit hole into the psychology and personal development underpinning this condition.​

​It was this inward journey that brought me to answer one of the biggest questions we all have...

"Is it actually possible to stop?"​

The answer is YES.​

The path to healing lies in making the invisible visible. It's a journey into your mind where you can finally begin to answer the why and the how of your BFRB.

When we understand the why - "Why do I have a BFRB?"

We can begin to work on the how - "How can I heal?"

With this self awareness I can promise you that healing is possible.

People untapping their potential

Samy Johnson

I have experienced so much growth and self-awareness around my skin-picking disorder.

If you are ready to empower yourself and walk the talk of making a change, I highly recommend having Raffa be your guide as you come back to yourself in healing and love!

Athena Nicolaides

Raffaela was amazing to work with! The program has not only addressed my chronic skin picking to the point where I no longer struggle with it, but it has also helped me in other aspects of my life. I have much more self-confidence and am more prone to face things that make me anxious instead of avoiding them. Overall, I had a super positive experience working with Raffaela and I wholeheartedly recommend her program!

Zabrina Schuurman

This journey has been nothing short of life-changing, and I owe it all to the incredible support, guidance and tools I received from Raffaela.

Not only have I made significant progress in overcoming my skin-picking compulsion, but I have also gained valuable tools to address underlying issues that were holding me back in so many areas of my life.

Maya Baumann

Raffaela knows exactly what she is talking about because she has experienced it herself. She also understands you in a way that no psychologist or therapist can. In my opinion, she has found the right way to free herself from skin picking and I am glad she shares this experience with the world.

Download your FREE 4 Step Guide

to Prevent a Picking Session!

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